Td pg mase morning briefing....Azam ade sebut pasal this topic...dier tgk kat MHI....pemegang card credit di blacklist because dah over limit guna credit card depa...gitulah citenye...aku x sure sbb x guna credit card pon....
pemegang credit card yg x der insurance akan menggunakan CC dorg utk hal2 kesihatan....cthnye...admitted dlm ward and also for surgical cost.....then guna lg utk follow up treatment....tapi...........dorg x dpt balik cost yg dikeluarkan tu...because they don't have any insurace to claim...last2 hutang bertepek byk2 kat CC it's better to use CC tu utk buat monthly payment for insurance so that in future dpt kurgkan financial burden..this is keperluan utk masalah kewangan yg x seberapa teruk tu.....pendapat aku laaaa......

macam tu laa yg aku paham.....mohon maaf kalo ade yg tersinggung the way...aku x sure sgt pasal penggunaan credit card...x penah pikir nak pakai pon...i'm prefer credit x salah nak pakai Credit Card pon as long as kite tau camne the best way to use it....wahhh gituu
jd u bankrap sbb x der insurance utk cover up medical expenses td.....medical expenses adalah salah satu expenses yg x kan will keep increasing day by day......
p/s: rase camnak de CC takut sket