Be honest no matter what.
Who were your latest 3 inbox texts from?
=catriona ross, abd mud, fiera
Where was your default pic taken?
= restoren melati
What's your middle name?
= lights
Your current relationship?
= single and loving it
Does your crush like you back?
= for time being...not at all...
What is your current mood
?=slowww...thinking of someone
What's your mom's name?
= Mariana
What color shirt are you wearing?
= green
Would you kiss the last personyou kissed?
= yes....haven't kissed for some time...
If you could go back in time and change something, would you?
= yes...i want to be damn good daughter...but there is no turning back
Do u have crazy side?
= yes..of course laa weii
Ever had a near death experience?
= yesss...
What is something you do most?
= emailing
Angry at anyone?
= YES...very muchhhhhhhh...
Do you wanna see somebody right now?
= my girls....
Do you like drama?
= so so
When was the last time you cried?
= last night...aku geram tahap gaban dah
Who would you do anything for?
= me and my sister.....
Who is your hero?
= im a hero to my self
What is the one thing you notice first with the opposite sex?
= personality (don't to easy come to conclusion)
What's your biggest secret?
= telling no one...sorry
Where is your ex?
= never know
Would you ever take her/him back?!
= no way...never pleaseeeeeeee
Do you still watch kiddy movies or tv shows?
= of course laaaa
What are you eating or drinking at the moment?
= fasting time...helloooooooooo
Do you speak any other languages?
= base isyarat
What are you thinking about right now?
= sleep....
What should you be doing right now?
= tido
What is your favorite memory?
= memories with my girls
What are you listening to?
= lagu ghaya
Who was the last person you told I love you?
= herm...secreto de amor...aku x igt laaa
Do you act differently around the person you like?
= x kose aku..just be myself
What is your natural hair color?
= dark brown nak itam
Who was the last person to make you smile?
= my boss..she's funny sometimes