Friday 12 September 2008

Bukak Puasa Lauk

Couple days ago breaking fast with Imah HK, she brought me to condemn2..the food is ok...ala kampung yet cheap quite privacy coz x dak org gitu...then menjelang time azan tu...huihhh...just like tornado send a people to this shop...full accupancy dlm sekelip mato...confirm after this I'll bring K.cik here....
Nasik putih + Ikan semilang goreng + kerabu jantung pisang + sayur lemak + air laici + ABC ...gile mak bapak byk I telan (cam antu perut ijo)....

After this nak bukk kat mane pon tatau....planning ngan bebudak neh nak susun hotel memurah jer..bajet RM 40 and below...cheap2 good2 gitu
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