Wednesday 4 June 2008


sorry ...i just don't know what to put as a tittle....

Here the funny story for today….all this while I’ve been ordered drinks at staff café without paying them….hahahahaha…I never knew everyone that order drink except in the silver box must pay for their drinks….goshhh…how come no one ever tell me that…(especially HR department….)..Luckily Effi realized that im never does any payment for the drink… “Akak x bayo duit air ke” she asked me…. “Hoh!!!Kene bayo ke”….damn….how could I remember how much I’ve drink there….then roughly count I have to pay about RM 11.20….can you imagine that…it’s a week of drinks…it’s about RM1.60/drink…hermmm… (Orange bancuh, milo ais, the ais, others I don’t remember)

In the evening at the staff café…I told café Mak cik laahhh….she just laugh and told me she never realized I’ve never paid them….hahahahahaha…if im devil...So no payment will be made….but kesianlaaa if not pay them Kan...Kan…they also need to supprt the living…RM11.20 meant a lot to them...Hihihihihih (humanism is crucial)…

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