Saturday 24 May 2008

Welcome New Family

Last Tuesday ‘OHIO’ just gave birth to 6 kittens…soo cute…but im not excited because she will cause a lot of problem to our family…she will carry the kitten into the house although we already prepared her a place to stay…with her foot print…the dirt will stay…but I still pity her…but nothing I can do…throw her away from us…but where she ‘ll get a food for her brood…would she get enough energy since she has 6 babies to feed…hermmmm…its not that I don’t like cat but im allergic to it…really…sometimes can cause me a fever, flu or I can give me a health problem…its so touch when she meow at me…(like she ask me for a better place to put her babies)…but im so sorry…im not the one that made decision about keeping a pet…its my grandma and she’ll say NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!no pet in the house….if want to keep it..just iutside the house…and im absolutely agree with her…hihihihihihihii

Ohio and her touching...see how she protects her cubs

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